Upward Basketball for Kids, registration has started!
Click here for the registration page and more information
Housing Scandal
After a housing scandal, back in 2009, many south Warren residents were forced out of their homes because rent was hiked by finance companies taking advantage of the crash in the housing market.
In this video, children, teens and adults talk about how Warren Hope has impacted their lives by creating affordable housing. These restored houses are provided with an affordable payment system that allows people to restore credit, build equity and feel pride again. It’s also an opportunity for their families to live safely and purposefully. We see this result in them paying their opportunity forward to help others..
Making Things Right
Chuck Locklear, who’s a retired Dean of Oakland Schools’ Clarkston Technical Center, grew up in Warren. Chuck talks about the plight of south Warren residents and the organization he founded, Warren Hope, designed to improve this community by renovating dilapidated homes. By making homes in this area much more affordable, it gives low income families the opportunity to succeed.
Families who are able to get on stable ground, often pass the stability forward to their kids and their grandchildren.
Righting A Wrong
After the recession of 2008, management companies moved into south Warren and bought up available housing, cheap. Now, a decade later, renting in this poor area is high. The problems of poverty are big --...
Improving the Warren Community
Warren Hope was born out of a desire to come alongside our community with more than just words. While all of Metro Detroit is facing tough economic times, some of those hardest-hit live in south Warren. Our...
Breaking the Cycle of Poverty
Our goal is to continue to help families, like the homeless family, a mother with four children, who faced eviction, and is now living safely in a previously abandoned house, with a mortgage payment half the...
Community leaders come together for an important cause
Political leaders, business leaders and church leaders, everyone has come together to help renovate one of the oldest and hardest hit communities in Metro Detroit. Even the city is joining in. Tom Bommarito,...
Can you guess the age of a tree?
White oak trees are valuable! They are slow growing and this one is very old, likely older than the city of Warren itself!To help raise awareness and funding for Warren Hope, we will be taking down a tree...
Churches will play an important role
Most of us don’t like “problems.” We all hope for an easy ride through life, smooth sailing on a crystal-clear sea. But storms rise up. None of us can escape this inevitable fact, but you can help be the...
Donate a House Part!
By simply buying a house part, you can help us fix up dilapidated houses in south Warren to help us provide homeless families with a new start. Click here or on any of the pictures below to see the house parts we need.
“Along with Warren Hope’s efforts to help the community of south Warren, the city of Warren is committed to these vital neighborhoods and to providing opportunities for low and moderate income households to purchase decent, affordable housing.”
“We started The New Foster Care to support families and foster children who have aged out of the system. We are joining efforts with Warren Hope to rebuild a community and provide housing for needy families and foster care children.”
“Church leaders in our community are coming together and joining forces to lift up these struggling neighborhoods and families that desperately need our help. Warren Hope is a vital part of that in south Warren.”
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